Javascript has three primitive types: number, string and boolean. You can quickly coerce values between the primitive types using some simple expressions.

There are a few different coersion expressions, depending on how you want to handle some of the corner cases.  I’ve automatically generated a list below:

Conversion: To Number To Number To Number To String To Boolean To Boolean
Expression: +x (+x)||0 +(x||0) ""+x !!x !!+x
null 0 0 0 "null" false false
(void 0) NaN 0 0 "undefined" false false
NaN NaN 0 0 "NaN" false false
Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity "Infinity" true true
-Infinity -Infinity -Infinity -Infinity "-Infinity" true true
0 0 0 0 "0" false false
"0" 0 0 0 "0" true false
1 1 1 1 "1" true true
"1" 1 1 1 "1" true true
2 2 2 2 "2" true true
"2" 2 2 2 "2" true true
[] 0 0 0 "" true false
({}) NaN 0 NaN "[object Object]" true false
true 1 1 1 "true" true true
"true" NaN 0 NaN "true" true false
false 0 0 0 "false" false false
"false" NaN 0 NaN "false" true false
"" 0 0 0 "" false false
"null" NaN 0 NaN "null" true false

The above table was generated with this code (note: uses some Firefox-specific code).

<table id="results" style="border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid black;">
 <tr id="header">
 <tr id="header2">

function styleCell(cell) { = '1px solid black'; = '0.2em';
 return cell;

values = [
null, undefined, NaN, +Infinity, -Infinity, 0, "0", 1, "1", 2, "2",
   [], {}, true, "true", false, "false", "", "null"

coersions = [
["To Number", "+x"],
 ["To Number", "(+x)||0"],
 ["To Number", "+(x||0)"],
 ["To String", "\"\"+x"],
 ["To Boolean", "!!x"],
 ["To Boolean", "!!+x"]

var results = document.getElementById('results');
var trHeader = document.getElementById('header');
var trHeader2 = document.getElementById('header2');

for (var i = 0; i < coersions.length; i++) {
 var th = trHeader.appendChild(styleCell(document.createElement('th')));
 th.textContent = coersions[i][0]
 th = trHeader2.appendChild(styleCell(document.createElement('th')));
 th.textContent = coersions[i][1]

for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
 var tr = results.appendChild(document.createElement('tr'));
 var rowHeader = tr.appendChild(styleCell(document.createElement('th')));
 rowHeader.textContent = uneval(values[i]);

 for (var j = 0; j < coersions.length; j++) {
 var td = tr.appendChild(styleCell(document.createElement('td')));
 td.textContent = uneval(eval("(function(x) { return "+coersions[j][1]+"})")(values[i]));

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