New Google Zeitgeist
permalinkThe latest Google Zeitgeist is out. Using the approximate readings from this forum post, it looks like the new (very approximate) browser shares for Google are:
- MSIE 6.0: 68.5%
- MSIE 5.5: 10%
- MSIE 5.0: 11.5%
- Netscape 6+ (Mozilla): 5%
- Other: 5%
The total is 100%, but that luck more than anything. I didn’t fudge any numbers, but I eyeballed most of them. Each of those Google major ticks are 15%, from what I can tell.
Good news: Mozilla is now 5% of the web (according to Google).
Bad news: MSIE total is approx. 90%, compared to 85% in Dec. of 2002. Where they’ve taken browser share from, I don’t know, but it’s likely from older Netscape 4 installations that have moved on.
Good news: at least 95% of the web can handle a good deal of CSS, even if 11.5% is fairly broken and 10% is only somewhat broken.
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