eInk is offering a development kit for its new active matrix electronic paper prototype. For only $3000, you can build yourself an e-book reader with their Linux-based evaluation board.
I think I’ll bite when this drops below $300.
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I’ve decided to take the plunge and switch RSS readers. I was using SharpReader at work under Windows and Liferea at home under Linux. Neither reader met my needs very well. I found that SharpReader was a big memory hog and suffered from the general heaviness of most client-side .NET applications. Liferea at home was fast and supported the page-per-blog model, but it was somewhat crashy.
Starting today, I’m using the Sage RSS Reader at home and work for my RSS reading. It’s a firefox plugin, so I can use Adblock to block those annoying feedburner ads in some of the feeds that I read.
Sage is very fast and the integration with Firefox is a big plus for me. I enjoy having tabbed browsing available with the feed items (something not available in SharpReader). Another plus is that it stores the RSS feed list in my bookmarks list, allowing me to use an extension like Syncmarks to keep my feed list synchronized between work and home.
There’s an active wiki for the Sage community where you can find stylesheets for your feed list and GreaseMonkey scripts. Who would have thought that you could use Greasemonkey scripts in your RSS reader?
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Now this is a virtualization product to get excited about! VMWare has decided to release a free version of their powerful VMWare workstation product that can run, but not create, virtual machine images.
Since they’ve included the Linux version in this deal, you might be seeing Live CDs with a full virtual machine player installed. In fact, you could distribute your application as a Linux LiveCD that boots your application image in VMWare!
I also imagine that we’ll be seeing VMWare-enabled Linux distribution demos. What better way to try out a different flavour of Linux without installing it?
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