UPDATE: It’s live! The open-source project is up on Google Code and I’ve blogged a more about it.

I’m getting closer to having the GWT bindings that we wrote for Firefox ready for public release. What we’ve got is more than enough to write a complex extension. The bindings were even enough to write a prototype of an OOPHM server, itself written in GWT!

For now, just a taste of what extension development is like GWT, complete with strong typing, syntax checks, auto-completion and hosted mode support:

protected nsIFile createTempFile() {
    nsIFile file = nsIProperties.getService(";1")
        .get("TmpD", nsIFile.iid());
    if (!file.exists()) {
        file.create(nsIFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, 0777);

    file.createUnique(nsIFile.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, 0666);

    return file;

protected void write(String value, nsIFile file) {
    nsIFileOutputStream foStream = nsIFileOutputStream.createInstance(";1");
    foStream.init(file, 0x02 | 0x08 | 0x10, 0666, 0);
    foStream.write(value, value.length());

The bindings are all generated from the xulrunner SDK’s IDL files and include documentation, parameter names and constants:

     * @param file          - file to write to (must QI to nsILocalFile)
     * @param ioFlags       - file open flags listed in prio.h
     * @param perm          - file mode bits listed in prio.h
     * @param behaviorFlags flags specifying various behaviors of the class
     *        (currently none supported)
  public final native void init(nsIFile file, int ioFlags, int perm, int behaviorFlags) /*-{
    return this.init(file, ioFlags, perm, behaviorFlags);
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