I’ve updated my prototype to use the excellent Rome feed parser library. Instead of dumping 20kB of ‘useful’ raw feed on you, it now formats the entries nicely.

I’ve hooked it up to deliver me real-time headlines from my Google Reader feed and from TechCrunch, both of which work flawlessly.

With all the building blocks I’ve strung together, this really wasn’t any work at all. All of the complexity lies in the cloud: Google’s AppEngine and XMPP implementation and the PubSubHubbub hub. The rest is done with a feed-parsing library.

Here’s the new code:

package com.grack.pubsubhubbub.xmpp;

import java.util.List;

import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import com.sun.syndication.feed.synd.SyndEntry;
import com.sun.syndication.feed.synd.SyndFeed;

public class Subscribe extends HttpServlet {
    protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
            throws ServletException, IOException {
        XMPPService xmpp = XMPPServiceFactory.getXMPPService();
        JID jid = new JID(req.getPathInfo().substring(1));

        SyndFeedInput input = new SyndFeedInput();
        SyndFeed feed;
        try {
            feed = XmlReader(req.getInputStream()));
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            throw new ServletException(e);
        } catch (FeedException e) {
            xmpp.sendMessage(new MessageBuilder().withBody(
                    "Feed exception: " + e.toString()).withRecipientJids(jid)
            throw new ServletException(e);

        List entries = feed.getEntries();

        StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder("Got update: \n");
        for (SyndEntry entry : entries) {
            message.append(entry.getTitle()).append(": ").append(
        xmpp.sendMessage(new MessageBuilder().withBody(message.toString())

    public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
            throws IOException {

        XMPPService xmpp = XMPPServiceFactory.getXMPPService();
        JID jid = new JID(req.getPathInfo().substring(1));

        if (req.getParameter("hub.mode").equals("subscribe"))
            xmpp.sendMessage(new MessageBuilder().withBody(
                    "Subscribing to " + req.getParameter("hub.topic"))
            xmpp.sendMessage(new MessageBuilder().withBody(
                    "Unsubscribing from " + req.getParameter("hub.topic"))

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UPDATE: I’ve written a PubSubHubbub-to-XMPP gateway that solves some of the issues of running a real-time feed reader behind a firewall.

UPDATE 2 rssCloud has a serious vulnerability that needs to be addressed in the protocol. I’ve linked some security recommendations here that rssCloud hubs should implement as soon as possible.

These last few months have brought us not one, but two RSS-to-real-time protocols: PubSubHubbub and rssCloud. While rssCloud has been “around” for a while, it never saw much adoption or interest until recently.

As a developer, the important question is: which of these two protocols should I focus on?

When you compare the two protocols technically, you find that there are some similarities (UPDATE: see here for a more in-depth comparison of the APIs):

  • Both PubSubHubbub and rssCloud allow the hub to live on a different server than the server that is providing RSS. This lets the complexity of both of these protocols to live in a black box somewhere else, managed by someone who cares more about getting the details right.
  • Both offer a fairly simple publisher “ping” notification for publishers. An rssCloud client can make a simple POST request to the specified cloud server, which is then verified by the server to ensure that the update was real (alternatively, rssCloud can use XML-RPC or SOAP, neither of which are in fashion right now). PubSubHubbub has a very similar POST operation with very similar semantics.
  • Both offer simple APIs on the hub for subscribing to feeds. PubSubHubbub offers an unsubscribe option, while rssCloud times out subscriptions after 25 hours (the client is expected to re-subscribe after 24).

There are some significant differences between the two protocols, however:

  • PubSubHubbub supports RSS and Atom out of the box. rssCloud does not support Atom right now, as noone has defined how it would look inside of an Atom feed.
  • PubSubHubbub provides “fat pings” to clients, while rssCloud only provides basic notification updates. A PubSubHubbub subscriber can keep tabs on a feed entirely through the ping notifications, allowing it to skip polling of any feed that supports the update protocol. rssCloud requires the subscriber to re-poll the feed after receiving a ping. The “fat ping” has the advantage of saving the feed publisher bandwidth, since clients aren’t downloading the same repeated feed entries time after time, and potentially CPU cycles, since the feed publisher only has to generate a single feed output for the hub rather than for all of its clients (this can be mitigated by caching the generated feed). The fat ping requires more work on the part of the hub, however, as it needs to detect which parts of the feed have changed and push those parts into the subscriber notification dispatch queue.
  • PubSubHubbub lets you subscribe any endpoint you like (with some intelligence to prevent you spamming pings to arbitrary hosts). rssCloud infers your endpoint hostname from the IP address of the request, requiring your subscription logic to live on the same servers as your ping endpoints.

Back to the question: which of these protocols should I focus on? The answer probably depends on what you are doing.

  • If you are a publisher that publishers both RSS and Atom feeds, it’s trivial for you to support pinging rssCloud and PubSubHubbub hubs. There’s nothing stopping you from doing it now - just figure out which hubs to use. If you use FeedBurner and PingShot, Google has already cloud-enabled your blog for you.  If you want to control your own hub, you’ll probably want to pick an off-the-shelf one. PubSubHubbub is likely the best choice here as it both saves you bandwidth and gets you real-time support in FriendFeed.
  • If you are planning on writing a hub, you’ll probably want to start with rssCloud. Its implementation will be simpler than PubSubHubbub as all it does is redistribute ping notifications.
  • If you are a feed reader or a content spider, you’ll probably have to implement both. I believe that PubSubHubbub gives you the biggest bang for the buck now, as it’s supported by nearly all of the Google feed properties: FeedBurner (the Atom/RSS intermediary choice for a significant number of self-hosted blogs), Blogger (millions of blogs) and Google Reader feeds. It’s also supported by LiveJournal (which lists 20+ million blogs on its homepage).  rssCloud is fairly new, but it managed to score a big integration with (7.5 million blogs, according to their own blog). Unfortunately, as not all of the big sites have implemented both, you’ll have to deal with two technologies for the time being.

After researching both of the technologies in-depth, I’d say that PubSubHubbub is the better technology overall.  While more complex to implement for hubs, it offers far more to feed readers and publishers in terms of bandwidth savings and real-time updates.  For companies doing content analysis, PubSubHubbub is a huge win: it brings the power of the Twitter firehose to RSS. No matter which technology you choose, however, you’ll be getting your RSS feed updates far more often.  It might even allow the next real-time technology to be built on an open XML feed rather than a proprietary company’s servers.

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Using as a transport for cooperative cross-domain communication is a reasonably well-known and well-researched technique. I came across it via two blog posts by members of the GWT community that were using it to submit GWT FormPanels to endpoints on other domains.

For our product, I’ve been looking at various ways we can offer RPC for our script when it is embedded in pages that don’t run on servers under our control.  Modern browsers, like Firefox 3.5 and Safari 4.0 support XMLHttpRequest Level 2.  This standard allows you to make cross-domain calls, as long as the server responds with the appropriate Access-Control header.  Internet Explorer 8 supports a proprietary XDomainRequest that offers similar support.

When we’re looking at “downlevel” browsers, like Firefox 2/3, Safari 2/3 and IE 6/7, the picture isn’t as clear. The transport works well in every downlevel browser but IE6 and 7. In those IE versions, each RPC request made across the iframe is accompanied by an annoying click sound. As you can imagine, a page that has a few RPC requests that it requires to load will end up sounding like a machine gun. The reason for this is IE’s navigation sound which plays on every location change for any window, including iframes. The transport requires a POST and a redirect back to complete the communication, triggering this audio UI.

I spent a few hours hammering away on the problem, trying to find a solution. It turns out that IE6 can be fooled with a element that masks the clicking sound. This doesn't work in IE7, however. My research then lead to an interesting discovery: the GTalk team was using an ActiveX object named "htmlfile" to work around a similar problem: navigation sounds that would play during their COMET requests. The htmlfile object is basically a UI-disconnected HTML document that works, for the most part, the same way as a browser document. The question was now how to use this for a cross-domain request.

The interesting thing about the htmlfile ActiveX object is that not all HTML works as you’d expect it to. My first attempt was to use the htmlfile object, creating an iframe element with it, attaching it to the body (along with an accompanying form inside the htmlfile document) and POSTing the data. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get any of the events to register. The POST was happening, but none of the iframe’s onload events were firing:

if ("ActiveXObject" in window) {
    var doc = new ActiveXObject("htmlfile");;
} else {
    var doc = document;

var iframe = doc.createElement('iframe');
iframe.onload = ...
iframe.onreadystatechange = ...

The second attempt was more fruitful. I tried writing the iframe out as part of the document, getting the iframe from the htmlfile and adding event handlers to this object. Success!  I managed to capture the onload event, read back the value and, best of all, the browser did this silently:

if ("ActiveXObject" in window) {
    var doc = new ActiveXObject("htmlfile");;
    doc.write("<html><body><iframe id='iframe'></iframe></body></html>");
    var iframe = doc.getElementById('iframe');
} else {
    var doc = document;
    var iframe = doc.createElement('iframe');

iframe.onload = ...
iframe.onreadystatechange = ...

I’m currently working on cleaning up the ugly proof-of-concept code to integrate as a transport in the Thrift-GWT RPC library I’m working on. This will allow us to transparently switch to the cross-domain transport when running offsite, without any visible side-effects to the user.

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I came across the Mix Gestalt project tonight and I thought I’d share some thoughts. It’s a bit of script that effectively sucks code snippets in languages other than Javascript out of your page and converts them to programs running on the .NET platform.

While interesting, it has a number of drawbacks that make it far less interesting than the HTML5-based approach that works in the standards-compliant browsers based on WebKit, Gecko and Opera, as well as the improved IE8.

First of all, it has to bootstrap .NET into Firefox (or whichever browser you are running it in).  This adds a few milliseconds to your page’s cold load time if it’s not already loaded. In the day and age of fast websites, any additional page time is just a no-go.

Once it’s up and running, the code that Gestalt compiles has to talk to the browser over the NPRuntime interface. Imagining pushing the number of operations required to do 3D rendering or real-time video processing becomes very difficult.  To offer a comparison, the Javascript code that runs in Firefox is JIT’d to native code. When the native code has to interact with the DOM, it gets dispatched through a set of much faster quickstubs. For browsers that run plugins out-of-process like Chrome and the future Mozilla, NPRuntime will be even worse!

One of the other claims about Gestalt is that it preserves the integrity of “View Source”. I’d argue that View Source is dead - and it has been for some time now. I rarely trust the View Source representation of the page.The web is still open, but it’s more about inspecting elements and runtime styles and being able to tweak those. I rarely trust the View Source representation of the page. Dynamic DOM manipulation has all but obsoleted it. Firebug provides this for Firefox, while Chrome and Safari come with an advanced set of developer tools out of the box. Even IE8 provides a basic, though buggy set of inspection tools.

The last unfortunate point for the Gestalt project is that it requires a plugin installation on Windows and Mac, and is effectively unsupported under Linux. You won’t see any of these Gestalt apps running on an iPhone or Android device any time soon either.

So where do I see the right path?  HTML5 as a platform is powerful. Between <canvas>,  SVG, and HTML5 <video> you get virtually the same rendering power as the XAML underlying Gestalt, but a significantly larger reach.

As for the scripting languages, Javascript is the only language that you’ll be able to use on every desktop and every device on the market today. Why interpret the <script> blocks on the client when you can compile the Python and Ruby to Javascript itself, allowing it to work on any system?

Regular readers of my blog will know that I’m a big fan of GWT - a project that effectively compiles Java to Javascript. For those interested in writing in Python, Pyjamas is an equivalent project. I’m sure that there must be a Ruby equivalent out there as well.

Javascript is the Lingua Franca of the web, so any project that hopes to bring other languages to it will have to take advantage of it if it.  I’d hope that the Gestalt project evolves into one that leverages, rather than tries to replace the things that the browser does well.

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Here’s a neat CSS-only panel that you can use to disable controls within a given <div> element.  It uses an absolutely-positioned <div> within the container of controls you’d like to disable. The glass panel is positioned using CSS to overlap the controls, and set partially transparent to give the controls a disabled look.

Note that this only works in standards mode, <!DOCTYPE html>, due to IE’s painfully outdated quirks mode. Additionally, your container of controls needs to be styled as overflow: hidden to work around the limitations of the height expression and position: relative so the parent can become a CSS positioning parent.

Click here to view the demo (works in standards-compliant browsers + IE).

<!DOCTYPE html>
    .disablable {

    .disablable-disabled .glasspanel {
	    background-color: green;
	    height:expression(parentElement.scrollHeight + 'px');

    .disablable-enabled .glasspanel {
    	display: none;

<button onclick="document.getElementById('control').className='disablable disablable-disabled';">Disable</button>
<button onclick="document.getElementById('control').className='disablable disablable-enabled';">Enable</button>

<div id="control" style="border: 1px solid black;">
    These are the controls to disable:
    <select><option>Option 1</option><option>Option 2</option></select>

<button>Won't be disabled</button>
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