eInk is offering a development kit for its new active matrix electronic paper prototype. For only $3000, you can build yourself an e-book reader with their Linux-based evaluation board.
I think I’ll bite when this drops below $300.
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I’ve decided that after nearly a year of very little activity, it’s time to start looking for a new maintainer for nprof.
nprof is pretty much the only open-source .NET profiler on the map. It has support for multi-threaded, multi-appdomained applications and even has basic support for profiling ASP.NET.
I am sad that I have to move on from the project before it hit 1.0, but it’s clear that my limited time isn’t going to change any time soon. With someone that has time to contribute to it at the helm, I’m certain the 1.0 release will be spectacular.
Contact me either via email or on the nprof-developer mailing list if you are interested.
UPDATE: The project has moved to Google Code.
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I took a close look at Edgewall Software’s trac tool today. It’s an integrated bug-tracker, wiki, Subversion repository browser and general project goal management tool, all available in a single web interface. It’s open-source and free for anyone to download.
The tight coupling of all the services seems to be a major win for this tracking tool. All of the components are aware of changes in the other components and can react appropriately. This is apparent in the timeline view that picks out changes from all the modules and puts it into a single project overview.
trac also features an interesting concept for storing its current state – it keeps it in Subversion itself, serialized as XML. This gives you the ability to roll your project back to a previous revision if something goes wrong, as well as giving you direct access to the data itself to modify externally. On top of all this, it’s been designed with a pluggable architecture from the ground up, potentially allowing developers to add custom functionality as necessary.
From what I can tell, they look like they’ve done a lot of work on the new, unreleased version. It’s been a few months since the last release, but this upcoming release should be well worth it.
UPDATE: Fixed the URL.
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I accidentally posted my last entry while playing around with mo:Blog. It’s very handy to be able to compose a message offline and post it when you please!
The only missing feature is that I can’t seem to set categories per-post. There is an option to set the category per blog, but that’s a big pain to change every time.
I like Typo (and its XML-RPC backend) more and more every day.
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I think I’ve got my blog converted over to Typo now. It’s going to be a bit of a pain getting my old article archives up and running, but the tough part was just getting the blog ported over.
I’m not going to worry about importing all my old articles into the new blog. I have some mod_rewrite rules set up to ensure that all the articles are redirected from their many old URLs to their new homes.
I have the old news archive available here, but Google is still the best way to find stuff on here.
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